知情者 2023年3月2日

MABR技术: The New Triple Threat for Energy, Capacity and N20 Emission Benefits


MABR技术的进步为水资源回收设施的节能操作开辟了道路. 如果我们向您展示我们是如何帮助公用事业公司部署MABR技术以进一步节省能源的呢, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and requiring a much smaller facility footprint?

在这个“知情者”网络研讨会中, 我们将讨论MABR的适用性, benefits and lessons from Ejby Mølle Water Resource Recovery Facility, 丹麦, and Elmira Wastewater Treatment Plant in Canada, 以及将MABR纳入升级和扩展计划时的关键考虑因素.


Colin Newbery Technical Director, Water, Asia


Colin Newbery is 正规博彩十大网站排名’ Technical Director, Water for Asia based in Singapore. 他在雅各布斯的角色, 他领导和管理新加坡下一代和主要水处理设施的设计, contributing to the high esteem enjoyed as a country of water innovation and resilience. 在过去十年中, Colin has been supporting and collaborating with Singapore’s National Water Agency, Public Utilities Board (PUB) and the broader water industry to explore, 开发和实现突破性的解决方案,突破资源回收的界限, 脱碳和数字化.


蒂姆•康斯坦丁 Global Principal for Wastewater Treatment


蒂姆•康斯坦丁 is 正规博彩十大网站排名’ Global Principal for Wastewater Treatment. He has 27 years of industry experience and has been involved in the design, 优化, and assessment of over 350 wastewater treatment plants around the world. Tim is a leading authority in wastewater treatment, with specific interest and expertise in biological nutrient removal, 膜生物反应器, 侧流烟治疗, 以及领先的技术,如混合液造粒/致密化和MABR. Tim’s expertise leads him to support projects worldwide, 特别是那些涉及开发和应用创新治疗方案的项目. 他拥有两项美国专利, both related to energy efficient biological nutrient removal processes. 

艾德丽安威洛比 Process Engineer, Canada


Adrienne是正规博彩十大网站排名多伦多办事处的工艺工程师,在废水处理技术方面有12年的经验. 她的技术专长领域包括污水处理设施的设计和优化, 营养物去除技术, 先进的过程模拟技术. 她的大部分经验集中在优化现有的处理厂,以提高处理能力, 改善水质, 减少碳足迹.

埃德里安娜通过几个行业领先和获奖的项目为污水处理的进步做出了贡献. 她领导了许多项目,为早期采用者实施创新技术, 如膜曝气生物膜反应器, 污泥造粒, 和氨氧化.



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MABR技术: The New Triple Threat for Energy, Capacity and N20 Emission Benefits


“知情者”网络研讨会提供有关水务行业最热门话题的最新信息. 每个网络研讨会都包括由最重要的水行业专家提出的特色主题的案例研究和第一手经验. The webinar series was launched to provide a platform to connect with the water sector, 分享 innovations and offer professional development credits.
